Relaxing Spa Candles

Relaxing spa candles are a wonderful way to relax with aromatherapy candles. A relaxing candle scented with essential oils such as lavender or jasmine has a relaxing effect that is difficult to describe. A warm wax floating on top of a quiet, gentle breeze is the perfect way to relax. The relaxing qualities of a relaxing spa candle are much the same as a relaxing bath or luxurious bath.

There are various type of relaxing spa candles found in market. Some of them are given below :

1.   Most relaxing spa candles use paraffin or gel waxes. The wax used for these candles has a high melting point and is therefore ideal for use with aromatherapy candles. The high melting point of the paraffin wax allows it to retain its shape when melted and turned into lovely relaxing candles. When crafted into aromatherapy candles, the melted wax will often seep out of the candle and create intensely hot wicks which you can feel quite strongly within the candle itself. These intense heat sensations are very relaxing!

There are many other relaxing spa candles available, some better suited to aromatherapy uses than others. For example, scented soy candles are not exactly relaxing candles! Soy candles have been bred for their versatility and ability to withstand high heat and are therefore not ideal for use with aromatherapy candles.

3.   Many relaxing spa candles also contain natural fragrance oils such as rosemary, peppermint or lavender. As they are naturally fragrant, these oils provide a very pleasant relaxing scent on a warm evening. You might like to add a hint of eucalyptus, or any other natural fragrance, to your relaxing candles just to enhance their relaxing effect. However, if you want to include scented oil in your candles, you will need to use aromatherapy scented oils. It is worth investing in a good supply of quality scented oils to give your relaxing candles the fragrance that they really want.

Another factor to consider is color. Most relaxing candle designs are white or cream, but if you want to add something more interesting to your candles, why not try adding a splash of color? Bright reds, pinks or oranges can help make your relaxing candles much more appealing to people who can't be hypnotized! You can find many different colored candles at your local candle store or by searching online.

1.  For those who are looking for ways to add a little more "oomph" to their relaxing spa candles, why not try using aromatherapy scented candles? These scented candles come in a variety of relaxing scents, from sweet basil to spicy peppermint to the ever-popular marshmallow root. There are also relaxing spa candles that include rose petals, vanilla, pear or cinnamon aromas.

If you want to add aromatherapy to your candles, you could consider using essential oils to help add to the relaxing qualities of your candles. Some of the most common essential oils used for aromatherapy are lavender and rosemary. Both of these oils have healing properties and are excellent for helping to relax and alleviate stress. Other relaxing spa candles can contain basil, chamomile, geranium, Marjoram and myrrh. These relaxing spa candles can also help invigorate and rejuvenate your body and mind.

You may also interested in Best Relaxing Candles

Conmclusion : Whatever type of relaxing spa candles you choose, you can be assured that your home will become more relaxing and pleasant place to be. Enjoy the scent and feel of relaxing candles that have been scented with relaxing scents such as Lavender, Marjoram, Myrrh, Peppermint, Geranium or Citronella. These candles give your home a wonderful fragrance, while also helping to refresh and soothe your senses. Your guests will love how you smell when you light up your relaxing candles at night.


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